Say: “Have you thought about your partner gods, those you call upon besides Allah? Show me what they have created of the Earth; or do they have a partnership in the heavens?” Have We given them a Book whose Clear Signs they follow? No indeed! The wrongdoers promise each other nothing but delusion.
(Surah Fatir, 40)


An interview with Mr. Adnan Oktar by Suud1 TV (April 23, 2008)


“I believe that one day the Darwinian myth will be ranked the greatest deceit in the history of science”... 54
Søren Løvtrup
Darwinism is built on an exceedingly primitive logical premise. All the adherents of the theory, not excepting Darwin himself, act from a highly superficial understanding. They never go into researching any detail, and are reluctant to think about the glorious systems that each of those details displays. Their logic is simplistic: “First there was the Big Bang, and the universe then formed through a series of coincidences,” they say. But they never pause to consider how atoms—with their highly complex structure and the working of whose sub-particles is still not fully understood—came into being in the first place.
They never question how giant galaxies with their own highly delicate systems, and the particular conditions on the Earth on which we live, could have come into being by chance, as they maintain. “A protein formed spontaneously in a bit of slime, and that protein one day decided to give rise to a cell,” they say. But they never stop to consider that the cell is a magnificent structure possessing irreducible complexity, which cannot be manufactured using even today’s sophisticated technology. They never include in their calculations the fact that countless other complex structures as well as proteins would all need to arise inside the cell simultaneously, and that the complex DNA molecule would also have to emerge at the same time. One main reason why Darwinists think so superficially is that they ignore the sublime might and artistry of Allah and take adopted chance itself as their creator.
According to evolutionist logic, everything you see around you is the product of blind chance. Scientists who examine cells under an electron microscope and discovered the structure of DNA and produce the details of the human genome, politicians who shape world policy, the cities we live in, our civilization, trees, flowers, birds, flies, butterflies, bees, crocodiles, cats, tigers, lions and fish—in short, the universe and every single thing within it, are all the work of long series of coincidences that occurred spontaneously over the course of exceedingly long periods of time. “Chance” is a word endowed with magical properties for the Darwinist mindset. The answer to any question you might put to a Darwinist will be, “Chance managed it somehow.”
Darwinists ascribe an extraordinary power to coincidences, and also imagine that some learned scholars know all the secrets of Darwinism. They imagine that these people will one day stand up and produce all the scientific evidence that has so far proved totally elusive, and thus prove evolution as an absolute fact. They are utterly mistaken, however. This expectation has survived since Darwin’s day.
Darwin established his theory on a logical weakness and dreamed that the evidence would one day be found to eliminate the major dilemmas facing his theory. That hope was to be dashed however, in the same way as the hopes of modern-day Darwinists: The theory of evolution has not been proved by 21st century science and technology. On the contrary, they have utterly refuted it. Yet Darwinist scientists ignore that fact. Because what matters for them is to keep the theory on its feet, despite having been conclusively disproved. It is not science and the facts that science demonstrates that count, but their devotion to Darwinism, to which they cling like a religion.
The American professor Phillip Johnson describes the true face of this devotion to Darwinism:
The leaders of science see themselves as locked in a desperate battle against religious fundamentalists, a label which they tend to apply broadly to anyone who believes in a Creator Who plays an active role in worldly affairs. These fundamentalists are seen as a threat to liberal freedom, and especially as a threat to public support for scientific research. As the Creation myth of scientific naturalism, Darwinism plays an indispensable ideological role in the war against fundamentalism. For that reason, the scientific organizations are devoted to protecting Darwinism rather than testing it, and the rules of scientific investigation have been shaped to help them succeed. 55
Among the methods they most commonly resort to are scientific hoaxes, lies and deceit, all of which have been unmasked time and time again. They take advantage of the fact that most people are unaware of the defeat suffered by the theory of evolution at the hands of scientific findings and they offer their own spurious evidence. These fake proofs are portrayed as scientific data that cannot possibly be denied. A whole string of lies and deceits are maintained as if they represented information whose truth cannot be doubted for a moment. At the same time, they give the impression that there’s absolutely no need to question the claims they come up with.
For Darwinists, chance is a false god that works miracles. The fact is, however, that chance cannot give rise to beautiful flowers, technology, butterflies, birds, grapes, strawberries, human beings, or even a single cell. But Darwinism ignores this huge logical weakness.
Many soon fall victim to this indoctrination and begin regarding the theory of evolution as an inseparable component of science.
Due to this intense propaganda, many of them are unaware that there is still not one single intermediate-form fossil to show that evolution ever happened. Others believe that such fossils must exist, but are kept under lock and key somewhere. A great many do not know that the extinct life form Archaeopteryx was actually a bird, just like those flying around today. Some are still unaware that the Coelacanth, for years portrayed as an intermediate-form fossil and thus, as evidence for evolution, has been shown to be a bottom-dwelling fish with highly complex characteristics, that is still living in the deep seas today. Some imagine that multi-celled life forms emerged one day from a collection of mud, and even think that frogs can appear spontaneously from within pools of water.
Until the discovery of a living specimen, evolutionists portrayed the coelacanth as the most important example of an intermediate form. The discovery of a number of coelacanths has inflicted a terrible collapse on the theory of evolution.

Others, completely misled by Darwinian indoctrination, believe that reptiles grew wings and turned into birds as they chased after insects. But again, because of Darwinist indoctrination, they never wonder how the insects these reptiles were chasing were already able to fly, beating their wings up to 500 times a second. That is because Darwinism is an ideology based on thinking as little as possible. It actually encourages people not to pay attention to detail, but to believe blindly whatever they are told. The truth can be established only when the facts regarding these matters are made fully public. When the fossil record is placed in the open; when the structure of the cell is made clear for all to see; when the discoveries made in countless branches of science such as paleontology, biology, anatomy, zoology, botany, biogenetics and biomathematics are shown to people, then they will see the true face of Darwinism and immediately realize that the indoctrination to which they have been exposed for so long consists of no more than a myth.
As you have seen, Darwinism is grounded in speculation, false evidence, and fictitious events alleged to have come about by chance. Darwinism is a huge mass deception, a trick played on all of humanity. Communities have been made to believe in this baseless theory through misleading indoctrination . Until, that is, the facts were made plain and people were shown, with all the supporting evidence, the baseless, fraudulent nature of the theory of evolution. Today the great majority has seen that there is nothing scientific whatsoever about the theory of evolution and that scientific discoveries have once again proved that the universe—and all the entities in it—are the work of our Almighty Lord.
Then how could Darwin’s spell have such an effect for approximately 150 years? The reasons are psychological. Making use of one section of the media, Darwinism subjected society to a kind of mass hypnosis. When the theory was first put forward, the protests that it encountered were silenced by means of entirely psychological methods. Gradually, people began regarding claims that flew in the face of reason and logic as normal, and even began giving credence to them. Illogical fairy tales that under other circumstances would have seemed funny were perceived as scientific facts. The theory of evolution is promoted in a way that recognizes no ethical principles and rejects such concepts as respect, honesty, and scientific accuracy.
The psychological reasons why Darwinism deceived the world can be listed as follows:
Putting on a Scientific Show
Evolutionary biology has been severely hampered by a speculative style of argument that records anatomy and ecology and then tries to construct historical or adaptive explanations for why this bone looked like that or why this creature lived here. These speculations have been charitably called “scenarios”; they are often more contemptuously, and rightly, labeled “stories.” Scientists know that these tales are stories; unfortunately, they are presented in the professional literature where they are taken too seriously and literally. '56
Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionist and paleontologist
One of the best-known deception techniques is the Darwinist lie that evolution is a scientific concept and that science supports the theory of evolution. The theory is described as a turning point in the history of science, and those who oppose the tenets of evolution are condemned as being anti-scientific. In fact, however, this is a terrible deception that has nothing to do with the facts. The theory of evolution is a dogma that emerged as an inevitable requirement of materialist philosophy. Darwinism is a kind of shamanistic religion. In the same way that shamanism is based on the worship of various natural forces, so is nature worshipped in Darwinism, as an entity with mysterious and mythical powers. It believes that minerals, the Sun, lightning and wind combined together in a coincidental manner to give rise to life and suggests that everyone believe this scenario. Darwinism does not present the scientific evidence and then debate whether or not the theory is true, but puts on a show, using scientific terminology, to give the impression that the theory is valid.
Every single Darwinist publication claims that the theory of evolution is scientific. Yet Darwinism has been unable to produce the slightest shred of scientific evidence to support any of its claims. Darwinism has not been able to explain how a single cell has arisen. The mechanisms by which thousands of different life forms allegedly evolved from a single cell have not been demonstrated scientifically. Not a single example has ever been offered to support the fictitious claim that one species can turn into another. There are no findings to prove the longstanding evolutionary myths of fish turning into amphibians or reptiles into birds. Not one single transitional-form fossil has turned up in any of the excavations carried out over the last 150 years. Moreover, the theory of evolution is silent in the face of new discoveries made by the science of genetics.
In short, there is nothing scientific about the theory of evolution. Science totally refutes the theory of evolution. Astronomy, biology, paleontology, geology, physics, chemistry, geophysics, embryology and the like are all sciences. Darwinism is not; it is a primitive belief system. Darwinists use borrowed scientific facts to support their propaganda. The ways they misuse science are all too familiar:
1. First of all, they propagate the idea that the public cannot understand scientific matters, that only a handful of elite scientists can do so,
2. In their writings and lectures, they use scientific terms that most people are unfamiliar with in order to strengthen that indoctrination,
3. They use lengthy, complicated formulae, Latin terms and expressions, and an opaque and turgid style to give the impression that they are discussing something very complex. Even though what they are saying is complete violation of logic, still they make many people believe it is wholly scientific,
4. By frequently quoting from Darwinist scientists, academics and evolutionist publications, they seek to give the impression that the whole scientific community accepts evolution. They hope thereby to cover up the fact that evolution actually conflicts with science. Their aim is to give the impression that this theory is a reality accepted by all scientific authorities.
Phillip E. Johnson summarizes these Darwinist techniques:
The theory is sustained largely by a propaganda campaign that relies on all the usual tricks of rhetorical persuasion: hidden assumptions, question-begging statements of what is at issue, terms that are vaguely defined and change their meaning in mid-argument, attacks on straw men, selective citation of evidence, and so on. The theory is also protected by its cultural importance. 57
Phillip E. Johnson
Darwinist publications are the evolution deceit’s most important propaganda tools. Misleading headlines and supposedly convincing scientific terminology are intended to portray evolution as a scientific reality. But these publications contain not a single piece of evidence to confirm evolution.
In fact, however, neither Latin words, nor grammatical constructions, nor quotes from any number of evolutionist academics can erase the insoluble predicament in which evolution finds itself. The scientific defeat that evolution has suffered may possibly be concealed for a while longer, but the facts will eventually come out, because evolutionist references have no scientific data to support them. All there is in Darwinist journals, books, newspapers, television programs and conferences is speculation of one kind or another by various evolutionists. But when all is said and done, all these are still mere hypotheses—or rather speculation. When you ask Darwinists on what scientific basis they rely, they will answer you with a profound silence.
It needs to be emphasized yet again that the weighty, incomprehensible language and technical style Darwinists that employ presents no evidence for the theory of evolution. The sole reason for their using this technique is to convince the public that evolution is scientific. But the more people grasp the true nature of the theory of evolution and see that it is based on deception, the more these fraudulent methods will lose credibility and influence.
A human being created from a single sperm is one of the signs of Allah . . . Just think what your condition was before and what it has become! Could men and jinn come together to create an eye, or an ear, or intellect, or power, or knowledge or the soul from sperm? Would they have the power to make bones, nerves, skin, and hair? Even if they wished to understand the nature and spirit of man, the essence of his existence, after these had been created by Allah, they would still be unable to do so. . . . Look at Allah’s blessings and foresight, that glorious power and wisdom, and how they enfold humanity. How amazing it is that someone who sees a picture on a wall, or an attractive piece of calligraphy or embroidery will stop to admire them, to wonder how the artist had made them, and to say what great artistry they represent, will heedlessly fail to think about this glorious Universe and the entities created by Allah, and His artistry and wisdom, when he sees them! 58
Imam Gahazali
Various Professors and Scientists Support the Theory
Everything in the heavens and everything in the Earth belongs to Him. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy.
(Surat al-Hajj, 64)
That certain scientists are Darwinists may give rise to the erroneous impression that the whole scientific world believes in the theory of evolution, and that it’s therefore a scientific fact. Indeed, t a great many people in the scientific community have been taken in by Darwinist indoctrination. But their devotion to Darwinism is not the result of any scientific approach. Since the theory of evolution provides a basis for materialism and atheism, it leads people to adopt Darwinism for ideological reasons. Many know full well that when the invalidity of Darwinism is exposed, materialism will also die, for which reason they embrace Darwinism with all their might, even though it violates reason, science and logic.
In an article evaluating claims made by the Marxist zoologist Richard Lewontin, Phillip Johnson describes how Darwinism is espoused out of materialist concerns:
Darwinism is based on an “a priori” commitment to materialism, not on a philosophically neutral assessment of the evidence. Separate the philosophy from the science, and the proud tower collapses. When the public understands this clearly, Lewontin’s Darwinism will start to move out of the science curriculum and into the department of intellectual history, where it can gather dust on the shelf next to Lewontin’s Marxism. 59
Phillip Johnson
Unaware of this, a large section of the public thinks that these people espouse evolution out of loyalty to science. But Darwinists’ loyalties actually lie with the dogma of materialism, not with science.
Professor of Biochemistry Michael Behe describes how the scientific community has adopted evolution because of its materialist world view and how science is portrayed to the public:
So information about the way the universe works almost invariably passes through a rigid materialistic filter before it reaches the general public. The scientific literature reflected this sense of understanding. Papers commonly talked about the model, either in general or regarding particular aspects of it, as known and secure events of nature. Textbooks followed suit by communicating this comprehension to students. Such descriptions did not highlight, or commonly even mention, the immense lacunae of ignorance, the unanswered questions about the model’s fidelity to nature. Instead they gave the impression that it was all known, or at least almost all known, a certified product of laboratory research. . . . When evidence was reported that did not seem to fit the theory, it, not the theory, became suspect. . . . The problem is rather socially contagious materialism, spread more by social pressure than by rational argument. 60
Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry
The social pressure that Behe refers to is intensely felt in the academic world. In many countries, Darwinist academics are supported in schools and universities while efforts are made to obstruct the careers of those who believe in Allah. Because they reject Darwinism, their books and articles are excluded from scientific publications. They are also accused of backwardness, even though nothing could be further from the truth. In most European countries, if scientists wish to pursue an academic career, they must turn a blind eye to Darwinist nonsense, or even support it. Otherwise it is very difficult to make progress in an academic career, or even to obtain permanent tenure in universities.
Evolutionist scientists have established a kind of dictatorship in universities and academia. Fierce criticism emerges from most of the scientific world, especially from those academic bodies and institutions where the materialist mindset predominates, when scientists who believe in Allah put forward scientific evidence for Creation. But no such opposition is voiced to atheist or materialist propaganda. That is why some scientists remain silent, even though they are perfectly aware of the invalidity of evolution; out of concern for their future or fear of losing their jobs.
It is Allah Who created the seven heavens and of the Earth the same number, the Command descending down through all of them, so that you might know that Allah has power over all things and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.
(Surat at-Talaq, 12)
As you have seen, ideological concerns or pressure and intimidation underlie the lip service that the scientific world gives to evolution. The idea that the world of science supports evolution—so it must be a theory that’s been tested and whose truth has been established with scientific data—is utterly misleading. This deception is the result of the psychological warfare techniques that Darwinists employ, and in no way reflects the true state of affairs. In addition, contrary to what Darwinists persist in maintaining, not all the scientific world is evolutionist. Despite all these methods of intimidation and pressure, some scientists, academics and professors still openly express their opposition to evolution. They expose the dilemmas facing the theory and attempt to impart the facts to the public. What is more, the number of scientists escaping the spell of Darwinism is rising every day.
Despite Darwinist scientists’ efforts to influence the public, Darwinism’s falsehoods and deceptions are actually in a state of collapse. The most important reason is that despite the efforts of evolutionist scientists, everyone has been warned of the theory’s total lack of scientific evidence.
When Abu Hanifa, who lived on the shore opposite Baghdad, failed to take his place at the debate at the appointed time, a number of questions formed in the minds of his unbelieving opponents and the crowd. Everyone was curious . . . . Why has he not come? Won’t he be coming? Is he afraid? Has he been unable to find any proofs?. Shortly after the appointed time, Imam-ul-A’zam arrived. His opponent was greatly encouraged, and his denial and arrogance had grown.
Abu Hanifa apologized and began explaining why he was late. “I was unable to find a boat to carry me here from the other shore. I began waiting. I thought that a rowing boat or other small conveyance might arrive and that I could cross on that. Just then, I saw that all the trees had fallen over. I witnessed that a boat had formed spontaneously from the bits of wood lying about. I also saw that there were a sail and oars. I was delighted not to have to keep you waiting and jumped into the boat. The boat then spontaneously carried me here.”. . . His opponent and the multitude were baffled. His opponent, an advocate of naturalism who claimed that everything was created by nature, said that it was impossible for such an event to take place in the manner described. The Imam smiled and replied: “Since you deny the possibility of even a small boat coming into being spontaneously with no builder or artist, how can you believe that the whole glorious universe appeared spontaneously with no Creator? The universe is the work of Allah, not of the universe itself. There is no point in starting a debate and argument over the existence of Allah when there is so much evidence in plain sight.”61
Al Imam al-Azam Abu Hanifa
They Find It Difficult to Believe in Allah
People who see the impossibility of the delicate balances in the Universe and the complex structures in living things coming into existence by chance can see that these are the work of a Mind, in other words, Allah’s. Yet some people, out of ignorance, misconception and distorted logic, find it difficult to believe in Him. One of the chief reasons is that they regard themselves as superior beings and are reluctant to believe in any Creator greater than themselves. (Allah is beyond this.)
The root causes of this hesitation are fears of thinking about the Day of Reckoning and the Hereafter, and a desire to avoid the responsibilities that these impose. Belief in Almighty Allah, the Omniscient and the Lord of All, and acceptance of His sublime existence, brings with it the need to believe in the Hereafter and to worship Him. People who believe in these things will know that they are responsible for everything they do in this world, and will behave accordingly. They will strive to avoid the selfish desires of earthly passions, to use their free will, and to be ethical and of sound conscience under all circumstances.
This state of affairs—a source of spiritual and material wealth and beauty and one which enhances a person’s quality and nobility—may seem difficult to some. But the truly difficult thing is to live in violation of one’s creation, and to ignore and suppress the voice of one’s conscience. The source of the suffering and stress experienced by so many today is the way people stifle their consciences and follow earthly desires, and the suggestions those desires put in their minds.
Darwinists, however, are unwilling to believe in Allah and also make use of this flawed mindset in others for their own ends. They hope to obtain a measure of superiority by elevating their own desires to an undeserved level and refusing to believe in Allah, to Whom all power and might actually belong. Out of a terrible ignorance, they regard themselves as divine (Surely Allah is beyond this) and imagine that all events are under their control. They cannot understand that they are ruled by fate and prefer to think about it as little as they possibly can. Maintaining that everything develops by chance, they also claim that they themselves live in a supposedly random and uncontrolled environment. Since they ignore the fact of the Hereafter, they imagine that they will live forever in this world, which they would like to believe is endless, or else they imagine that after they die, they will cease to exist completely.
Since they never reflect on death and the Day of Judgment to follow, they imagine that these events will never happen. They imagine that this approach, the product of a very infantile mindset, will bring them peace of mind throughout their lives.
The theory of evolution, maintaining that life is the work of blind coincidences, represents significant support for those with such a mindset. They imagine that they have provided an alternative to Creation to account for the origin of life, and cling strongly to that belief. A short while later, they come to believe in that lie themselves and continue to espouse the theory of evolution, even though they may clearly see its nonsensical nature, because questioning it would mean abandoning the philosophies and world views on which they’ve built their whole lives. To admit the invalidity of Darwinism would be to admit that Creation is the only explanation for the universe’s formation and the emergence of living things. This is at complete variance with Darwinist ideology, which supports the ideas of irresponsibility and haphazardness.
Stephen M. Barr, a theoretical particle physicist at the Bartol Research Institute of the University of Delaware, describes the superstitious mindset of Darwinist and materialist scientists:
It is the view not only of Weinberg, but of many scientists that the progress of science has more and more made the universe appear “pointless,” and the human race an accidental by-product of blind material forces. Indeed, this is thought by many to be the key lesson that science has to teach us. A particularly forthright champion of this view is the zoologist Richard Dawkins, who writes that “the universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pointless indifference.” The pointlessness of the cosmos and its indifference to human beings is also a main theme in the writings of the zoologist Stephen Jay Gould, who claims that the human race is a freak accident of evolutionary history, merely “a tiny twig on an ancient tree of life.” We are, said Bertrand Russell, but “a curious accident in a backwater” of the universe. 62
Stephen M. Barr, theoretical particle physicist at the University of Delaware
The truth is that willingly or not, Darwinists are subject to the destiny appointed for them by Allah. All entities in the universe lead the lives selected for them by Allah and exist by virtue of His mercy. Whether Darwinists admit it or not, there is a Hereafter, and on the Day of Reckoning every Darwinist will be called to account in the presence of our Almighty Lord. No matter how much they claim to live free of responsibility, in the Hereafter they must still account for every moment of their lives. Refusal to believe in Allah and resorting to various deceptions to that end will therefore constitute no remedy, and those methods will do them no good at all.
Thousands of people who now understand the state of collapse in which Darwinism finds itself, have freed themselves from its spell and turned to the truth. Darwinists must also accept the truth, and see that admitting and correcting one’s errors is an excellent way of behaving. People who change their mistaken attitudes while they can still do so in this world may hope for our Lord’s mercy and compassion in the Hereafter.
One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator. . . . 63
Michael Walker, evolutionary anthropologist
If there is a world that contains wisdom, and help, and compassion and justice, of course there is also the Hereafter—like the soul to the body that is the world. Everything in the world looks to that Hereafter. That means that is where we will go. Denying the Hereafter means denying this world and its contents. In the same way as death and the grave await one, so do Paradise and Hell await. 64
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Collapse Of Darwinism And The Fact Of Creation

The Collapse Of Darwinism in Europe

Fossils Have Discredited Evolution

Living Fossils

A Scientific Blow to Darwinism: Irreducible Complexity